Wednesday, December 17, 2008

HTML Special Symbols

The standard ASCII set contains 128 characters and can be used perfectly well for English documents. However, accents, curly quotes, and many commonly used symbols unfortunately cannot be found in this group. Luckily, HTML can contain any character in the full ISO Latin-1 character set (also known as ISO 8859-1). IN windows and Unix systems, just enter the character in the usual way and it will display properly in the browser.

Watch out! Even though you can type special characters, accents and o on in your Macintosh and DOS based PC, these systems do not use the standard ISO Latin-1 character set for the characters numbered 129-255 and will not display them correctly in the Web page, you must enter these special characters with either name or number codes.

Symbols are case sensitive and more descriptive. Some samples of special character below.



Anonymous said...

hi..i have added you.. add me too and leave a message..

Icymar "Iceman" Tagimacruz said...

already added you angelina

Aldhis said...

Hi Icymar, I'm sorry for now following your blog for a while. I've preparing a new face of Stories of Picture for 2009.
Please do visit and give any comments, critics, opinion, or else for me at Sneak Peek to NEW Stories of Picture 2009!
I really appreciate it. Thank you so much.

Icymar "Iceman" Tagimacruz said...

hi aldhis thanks a lot for droppin by..

Malou said...

thanks a lot for sharing this post I really needed this :-) have a nice day to you

Anonymous said...

hy this is very nice blog which contain very informative information about HTML.Keep it up and thanks

Rick Hughey

Mel Alarilla said...

Hi Icymar,
Here’s greeting you the very best of the Christmas season. May the Lord shower you and your family with countless blessings this coming year. Thanks for joining Filipinos Unite!!! God bless you and your loved ones always.

Mel Alarilla of Filipinos Unite!!!

Aree Bettermenn said...

Wishing you and your family health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!

Icymar "Iceman" Tagimacruz said...

hi guys thanks a lot for you support thanks a lot..

Anonymous said...

great info!!
HTML is so complicated and i need that skill!!
ur article so helpful!!makes me easier to learn =D

PinoyApache said...

Wow, a basic knowledge about HTML is what I need. Thanks @ice

Icymar "Iceman" Tagimacruz said...

thank you pinoy apache..

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